الكتب العلمية

Enhancing the Use of the Arabic Language and Developing its Teaching In Light of the Science of Language Teaching


Author : Dr. ADJEB Mohammed El Farouk & Dr. AIT AISSA Mouloud

Enhancing the Use of the Arabic Language

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Enhancing the Use of the Arabic Language and Developing its Teaching In Light of the Science of Language Teaching

First edition “2024” – Book –Enhancing the Use of the Arabic Language and Developing its Teaching In Light of the Science of Language Teaching

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Democratic Arabic Center


The development and modernization of education in contemporary society are urgent demands due to their vital importance and effectiveness in fostering growth and stability. Despite the significant attention given to the Arabic language, particularly in pre-university education, scientific reports and field research indicate a notable weakness among learners in their proficiency in the national language. This weakness manifests in a large number of grammatical errors found in their speech, reading, and writing across all levels of education, including university students and graduates. The emergence of a new generation of learners who struggle to master Arabic and lack proficiency in foreign languages exacerbates this issue. While learners often bear some responsibility for their linguistic shortcomings, it is essential to recognize that various factors have contributed to this crisis. In this book, we identify, analyze, and propose solutions to address these causes within the framework of language teaching science. This evolving discipline is dedicated to understanding and shaping linguistic realities, overcoming obstacles in the educational process, and implementing effective strategies for success

Table of contents

7-8 Introduction
9-41 Presentation and Analysis
9-12 1. Didactics (Term and Concept)
13-21 2. Research in didactics
22-31 3. Teaching Arabic in Higher Education
25-27 3.1. Arabic Language in Scientific and Technical Specializations
27-29 3.2. Arabic Language in Foreign Language Departments
29-31 3.3. Arabic Language in Humanities and Social Sciences Departments
32-33 4. Didactics Science and Management of the Future of Language Education Making
34-41 5. Educational relationships with other scientific knowledge
34-38 5.1. Linguistics
38-39 5.2. Psychology of all kinds (general psychology, educational psychology and linguistic psychology)
39-40 5.3. Sociology of all kinds (general sociology, educational sociology, linguistic sociology and cultural sociology
40-41 5.4. Pedagogy
42-47 Conclusion
48-50 References


Publisher : Democratic Arabic Center For Strategic, Political & Economic Studies

5/5 - (5 أصوات)

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