Research studies

Banking marketing and its role in achieving competitive advantage in private banks -Babylon Bank model

Dr. Ali Aboudi  Al-Jubouri  Imam Kadhum College  , Baghdad-Iraq

Democratic Arab Center

Journal of Afro-Asian Studies Second Issue – July 2019

A Periodical International Journal published by the “Democratic Arab Center” Germany – Berlin. The journal deals with the field of Afro-Asian strategic, political and economic studies

Nationales ISSN-Zentrum für Deutschland
ISSN 2628-6475
Journal of Afro-Asian Studies
 :To download the pdf version of the research papers, please visit the following link


Bank Marketing is one of the areas of study in the management of banks, which is one of the areas of business management and the function of banking marketing has become an important aspect of scientific management and a tool of effective tools in achieving the success of banks, so the study sought to achieve a number of goals of identifying On the nature of the respondents variables and the identification of the correlation between bank marketing and competitive advantage, and for the purpose of achieving the objectives of the study, a hypothetical model was built that defines the nature of the relationship between the independent variant (banking marketing) and the approved variable (competitive advantage), and a sample has been selected from Employees working at Babylon National Bank in all branches of the community to study. A series of statistical methods were used in analysing the data based on the five-year scale of the Lkert and the results were obtained using the software. Therefore, a major hypothesis has been developed and four sub-hypotheses have been branched out, in order to determine the appropriate sample size for the current study community of 60 persons, and the sample size is (58) persons, with 60 forms distributed and (48) valid for statistical analysis. It has been shown that there is a strong positive and moral relationship (within the study sample), and in this light the members of the sample have the obvious possibility of applying the principles of banking marketing and its dimensions, and in this light will increase their competencies and skills and their ability to balance their thinking and then influence the customers.

5/5 - (4 أصوات)

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